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Virtual Reality Beta

Immerse yourself in Social VR with the latest gear

Announcing our OpenVR Beta

Sinespace now supports the latest and greatest desktop VR headsets - including support for all OpenVR compatible devices. We've tested these clients on the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and a variety of Windows Mixed Reality headsets.

Download OpenVR Viewer (Win64)

VR Release Status

Getting a VR viewer is just one part of our long term roadmap to make the best virtual world platform for developers and users alike.


  • done OpenVR Support Compatible with a wide range of devices and platforms, including the popular Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and WinMR headsets.
  • done VR Interactivity Drive vehicles, use interactive objects and script new activities with NPCs, Quests and more.
  • done Basic User Interface Use an adapted version of our main UI modified for use in VR - access the same functionality in our desktop viewers.
  • done Multiple Locomotion Options Teleport or steer - your choice, we support both.
  • done Graphically Rich View and create environments built with our highly tuned Unity 2017.2 based platform, with regular updates.

Coming Soon

  • build Modern UI Our brand new "Modern UI" designed to give a great feel on mobile, desktop and VR.
  • build OpenVR on Mac Join our test program today - contact us to participate!
  • build Higher Performance Rendering NVidia VRWorks, single-pass stereo and more.
  • build Quality & Polish Smoothing our the rough edges into a polished consumer ready platform.

Using the viewer

To enable OpenVR, click the Blue Gear icon in the lower right corner of the screen when the viewer application starts. From there, toggle 'OpenVR' on, and restart your client.

If you haven't logged in before, you might want to consider accessing Sinespace in desktop mode first to acclimatise yourself with the platforms features and interface.

What to expect

This is our first official client with OpenVR support - so we're keen to hear from you about what you think. If you run into any issues, please let us know on our bug tracker, or support website.

Control Schemes

Each OpenVR headset has a different control scheme to best match the device, here's some of the common ones.

Input HTC Vive Oculus Rift Windows Mixed Reality
Teleport Select D-Pad Up A or X Button A
Teleport Cancel Grip Button Secondary Trigger Grip
Reorient Grip Button Secondary Trigger Grip
Show & Hide UI Application Menu B or Y Varies
Select Trigger Primary Trigger Trigger
Interact Trigger Primary Trigger Trigger
Free Move D-Pad Hold & Move Joystick 1 D-Pad Hold & Move
Drive D-Pad Hold & Move Joystick 1 D-Pad Hold & Move


The worlds most powerful virtual world platform.

Designed and built by a team of virtual worlds enthusiasts - Sinespace is about tearing down creative barriers, while allowing developers to safely monetise their content. Create for free, and sell your wares or just simply exhibit them in a free hosted region. Powered by Unity 2017.2, Sinespace lets you reach graphical levels unparalleled in other virtual worlds.

More features than you can poke a stick at

Sinespace provides over 300 distinct components for common functions to speed up development, but has thousands more from our Unity core availible to use.

Visit our developer site

  • language First region free! ... and subsequent ones are reasonably priced!
  • devices_other Runs anywhere Clients availible for Windows, macOS, Linux and HTML5
  • live_help Really good support Nearly 24/7 dedicated help for creation and creators!
  • visibility VR Support Beta support for many popular VR headsets and devices.
  • filter Graphically Unparalleled Full support for modern game engine features
  • build Build on and offline Build externally, or using the client!
  • store Monetise your content Sell items, clothes, regions and more in our store, today!
  • assignment_ind Serious about piracy We take IP infringment very seriously.
  • face Tell your stories Create stories in 3D using our NPC and Quest tools!
  • group_work White Label White label versions availible for brands and educators

Ready to get started?

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